Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Gringo Invasion

Gringo is our cat.  We got him from a shelter, and he happens to be to be the very best cat that has ever existed.  Aaron and I actually compete for his affection because we think (no, we know) he is sooo awesome.  Despite all of this feline adoration, we were slightly apprehensive about how the addition of Sophia would go over.  Would he try to sleep in her crib?  Would he accidently smother her? Would he become territorial?  Would he do any of those awful things cats do when they suddenly don't get the attention they want anymore?  The answer to those questions is a wonderful NO.  Our little "Gringy" still gets to cuddle as much as he wants and has decided to take ownership of whatever he wants.  Not only has he taken to Sophia (or really her stuff), but he has heroically saved us from many mouse intruders over the last few months.  Now the dogs, that is an entirely different story...  
He didn't even move when I wheeled the stroller around!
Perfect for catching some sun.
Not sure how this is comfortable.
Not even Baby Einstein will keep him out!