Friday, May 22, 2009

Quilting - So Fun

I have officially completed my second quilt top!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dirty Laundry

Wow, what a great day I had yesterday!  It always amazes me how you can live in a city for years and still discover fun surprises that have been right in front of you.  I ate lunch at this little place called Lili's and it was so delicious.  I had a yummy grilled portobello mushroom and a greek wedge salad.  Next my girlfriends and I went shopping at The Shoe Gypsy, Francesca's, and Dirty Laundry, three awesome stores that have been under-utilized in my life.  

With that being said, it also added to my anxiety about potentially leaving our home in about 6 months.  I think Aaron and I are very close to making our decision about a job.  This is very exciting but at the same time it just makes it more "real".  Hopefully this big city girl will love the life of a small town country girl....

(More details to come when things are official!)  

Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine Flu...

So I recently re-activated my status as a volunteer for the Medical Reserve Corps.  I really enjoyed my work with them before and I hope I will be able to do lots more exciting stuff.  My last assignment was to work as a nurse in one of the Hurricane Katrina shelters.  It was very interesting.  This week should be pretty interesting as well, but not in the same way.  Wednesday morning I will be at the health department making phone calls to the people currently considered as "probable" cases of swine flu to see who they have been in contact with.  Wish me luck! 

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Search Continues

Just got back from a solo trip to Olney, TX.  Aaron had to work, but I got to visit this cozy town with our friends Jeremy and Trina.  It was quite nice and had a very laid back, casual feel (which I definitely liked).  The schools were awesome and the hospital appears to be a place that Aaron could really enjoy practicing at.  I took pictures of part of downtown, the hospital, and the neighborhood that I would like to live in (if we choose to move there).  Who knows where we'll end up, but I keep praying that God will lead us to the right place.