Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

I am so excited!  I just had my interview to be a volunteer at the Fort Worth Zoo and it went really well.  Orientation is at the end of May and then I will be working in the Parrot Paradise where the birds get to fly around and you can feed them.  Yay!  I'm really looking forward to educating visitors and hopefully helping them gain a greater appreciation for animals in general.  

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Nothing too exciting to report (not even the slightest boat mishap) but thought I'd share some photos of our babies enjoying the sun in our backyard.

(This is Gringo's first attempt at climbing a tree.  He didn't get much higher than this before he fell off and gave up!)  


Saturday, April 18, 2009

This should be fun...

It is another rainy/overcast day here in Fort Worth and so Aaron felt like it was a great day to go fishing on our boat.  I really can't wait for him to get home because I'm fairly sure that something crazy is bound to happen.  (The first time the boat went out it resulted in a lost wedding band and the second time was almost a total loss as the back half sunk and had to be dragged out of the water.)  I have some trust issues with the darn thing and yet I'm secretly jealous I'm not out there on the water with him.  At any rate, I'm here at home cleaning and waiting anxiously to hear of our little boat's latest adventure.  Also very excited about going to a Rangers game tonight courtesy of JPS.  This should be a pretty good last free weekend.  (I just signed a contract to work all weekends for the next 3 months.)  My goal for the afternoon: try to read more of Revolutionary Road.  My book club meets next week and I've barely read any of it!  It is soooo depressing....  Hopefully our next book will be much more enjoyable!  :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Blogging: Take Two

So I am going to start a whole new blog in the hopes that I will actually keep up with this one.  Unfortunately, I don't have anything too extremely exciting to write about just yet.  At the moment I am slightly embarrassed by my obsession with the usually hilarious articles on  Talk about an internet time waster.  We're about to leave for the oh so classy Cityview Lanes so we can enjoy an exciting night of JPS Bowling action.  Actually we're running late - YIKES!  Guess I'll blog later!